Documentation for the CubeEngine Modules
Improved Vanilla
Command | Description | Permissioncubeengine.vanillaplus.command.<perm> |
biome | Displays the biome type you are standing in. | biome.use |
border | border commands | |
border add | Sets the diameter of the worldborder | border.add.use |
border center | Sets the center for the worldborder | border.setCenter.use |
border damage | Sets the world border damage per second per block | border.damage.use |
border damagebuffer | Sets the world border damage buffer | border.damageBuffer.use |
border get | Shows information about the world border | |
border set | Sets the diameter of the worldborder | border.setDiameter.use |
border warningdistance | Sets the warning time | border.warningDistance.use |
border warningtime | Sets the warning time | border.warningTime.use |
butcher | Gets rid of mobs close to you. Valid types are: monster, animal, pet, golem, boss, other, creeper, skeleton, spider etc. |
butcher.use |
clearinventory | Clears the inventory | clearinventory.use |
compass | Displays the direction in which you are looking. | compass.use |
depth | Displays your current depth. | depth.use |
difficulty | Changes the difficulty level of the server | difficulty.use |
enchant | Adds an Enchantment to the item in your hand | enchant.use |
feed | Refills your hunger bar | feed.use |
fly | Lets you fly away | fly.use |
gamemode | Changes the gamemode | gamemode.use |
getpos | Displays your current location. | getPos.use |
give | Gives the specified Item to a player | give.use |
god | Toggles the god-mode! | god.use |
headchange | Changes a skull to a players skin. | headchange.use |
heal | Heals a player | heal.use |
hideenchantments | Toggles the visibility of enchantments | hideEnchantments.use |
invsee | Allows you to see into the inventory of someone else. | invsee.use |
item | Gives the specified Item to you | item.use |
kill | Kills a player | kill.use |
lag | Displays chunk, memory and world information. | lag.use |
list | Displays all the online players. | list.use |
listworlds | Displays all loaded worlds | listWorlds.use |
lore | Changes the lore of the item in your hand. | lore.use |
mobstack | Spawning stacks of mobs | |
mobstack build | Builds mobstack | |
mobstack clear | Clears the mobstack | mobstack.clear.use |
mobstack spawn | Spawns a mobstack | mobstack.spawn.use |
more | Refills the stack in hand | more.use |
near | Displays near players(entities/mobs) to you. | near.use |
ping | Pong! | ping.use |
plugins | Lists all loaded plugins | plugins.use |
remove | Removes entities in a radius | remove.use |
removeall | Removes entities in a world | removeAll.use |
rename | Changes the display name of the item in your hand. | rename.use |
repair | Repairs your items | repair.use |
seed | Displays the seed of a world. | seed.use |
seen | Shows when given player was online the last time | seen.use |
spawnmob | Spawns the specified Mob | spawnMob.use |
starve | Empties the hunger bar | starve.use |
stash | Stashes or unstashes your inventory to reuse later | stash.use |
stop | Shuts down the server | stop.use |
sudo | Makes a player send a message (including commands) | sudo.use |
suicide | Kills yourself | suicide.use |
time | Changes the time of a world | time.use |
unlimited | Grants unlimited items | unlimited.use |
version | Displays the version of the server or a given plugin | version.use |
walkspeed | Changes your walkspeed. | walkspeed.use |
weather | Changes the weather | weather.use |
whitelist | Allows you to manage your whitelist | |
whitelist add | Adds a player to the whitelist. | whitelist.add.use |
whitelist list | Lists all the whitelisted players | whitelist.list.use |
whitelist off | Disables the whitelisting | |
whitelist on | Enables the whitelisting | whitelist.on.use |
whitelist rm | Removes a player from the whitelist. | whitelist.remove.use |
whitelist wipe | Wipes the whitelist completely | whitelist.wipe.use |
whois | Displays informations from a player! | whois.use |
Displays the biome type you are standing in.
Usage: biome [world] <x> <z>
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.biome.use
border commands
Usage: border
SubCommands: add
Sets the diameter of the worldborder
Usage: border add <size> [time][?]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.border.add.use
Sets the center for the worldborder
Usage: border center [pos][?]
Alias: setcenter
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.border.setCenter.use
Sets the world border damage per second per block
Usage: border damage <damage> [world]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.border.damage.use
Sets the world border damage buffer
Usage: border damagebuffer <blocks> [world]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.border.damageBuffer.use
Shows information about the world border
Usage: border get [world]
Alias: info
Sets the diameter of the worldborder
Usage: border set <size> [seconds][?]
Alias: setdiameter
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.border.setDiameter.use
Sets the warning time
Usage: border warningdistance <blocks> [world]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.border.warningDistance.use
Sets the warning time
Usage: border warningtime <seconds> [world]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.border.warningTime.use
Gets rid of mobs close to you. Valid types are:
monster, animal, pet, golem, boss, other, creeper, skeleton, spider etc.
Usage: butcher types... [radius][?][?][?]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.butcher.use
Clears the inventory
Usage: clearinventory [player][?][?][?]
Alias: ci
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.clearinventory.use
Displays the direction in which you are looking.
Usage: compass
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.compass.use
Displays your current depth.
Usage: depth
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.depth.use
Changes the difficulty level of the server
Usage: difficulty [difficulty][?]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.difficulty.use
Adds an Enchantment to the item in your hand
Usage: enchant <enchantment> [level][?]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.enchant.use
Refills your hunger bar
Usage: feed [players]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.feed.use
Lets you fly away
Usage: fly [flyspeed][?]
Changes the gamemode
Usage: gamemode [gamemode] [player]
Alias: gm
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.gamemode.use
Displays your current location.
Usage: getpos
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.getPos.use
Gives the specified Item to a player
Usage: give <player> <itemstack> [amount]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.give.use
Toggles the god-mode!
Usage: god [player]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.god.use
Changes a skull to a players skin.
Usage: headchange [name]
Alias: skullchange
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.headchange.use
Heals a player
Usage: heal [players]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.heal.use
Toggles the visibility of enchantments
Usage: hideenchantments [hide]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.hideEnchantments.use
Allows you to see into the inventory of someone else.
Usage: invsee <player>[?][?][?]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.invsee.use
Gives the specified Item to you
Usage: item <itemstack> [amount]
Alias: i
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.item.use
Kills a player
Usage: kill <players>[?][?][?]
Alias: slay
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.kill.use
Displays chunk, memory and world information.
Usage: lag
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.lag.use
Displays all the online players.
Usage: list
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.list.use
Displays all loaded worlds
Usage: listworlds
Alias: worlds
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.listWorlds.use
Changes the lore of the item in your hand.
Usage: lore <lore>
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.lore.use
Spawning stacks of mobs
Usage: mobstack
SubCommands: build
Builds mobstack
Usage: mobstack build <type> [data]
Clears the mobstack
Usage: mobstack clear
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.mobstack.clear.use
Spawns a mobstack
Usage: mobstack spawn [at]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.mobstack.spawn.use
Refills the stack in hand
Usage: more [amount][?]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.more.use
Displays near players(entities/mobs) to you.
Usage: near [radius] [player][?][?]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.near.use
Usage: ping
Alias: pong
Lists all loaded plugins
Usage: plugins
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.plugins.use
Removes entities in a radius
Usage: remove <entityType[:itemMaterial]> [radius][?]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.remove.use
Removes entities in a world
Usage: removeall <entityType[:itemMaterial]>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.removeAll.use
Changes the display name of the item in your hand.
Usage: rename <name> [lore]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.rename.use
Repairs your items
Usage: repair[?]
Displays the seed of a world.
Usage: seed [world]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.seed.use
Shows when given player was online the last time
Usage: seen <player>
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.seen.use
Spawns the specified Mob
Usage: spawnmob <type> [amount] [data] [at]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.spawnMob.use
Empties the hunger bar
Usage: starve [players]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.starve.use
Stashes or unstashes your inventory to reuse later
Usage: stash
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.stash.use
Shuts down the server
Usage: stop [message]
Alias: killserver
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.stop.use
Makes a player send a message (including commands)
Usage: sudo <player> <message>
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.sudo.use
Kills yourself
Usage: suicide
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.suicide.use
Changes the time of a world
Usage: time [time][?][?]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.time.use
Grants unlimited items
Usage: unlimited [unlimited]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.unlimited.use
Displays the version of the server or a given plugin
Usage: version [plugin]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.version.use
Changes your walkspeed.
Usage: walkspeed <speed> [player]
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.walkspeed.use
Changes the weather
Usage: weather <weather> [duration][?]
Allows you to manage your whitelist
Usage: whitelist
SubCommands: add
Adds a player to the whitelist.
Usage: whitelist add <player>
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.whitelist.add.use
Lists all the whitelisted players
Usage: whitelist list
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.whitelist.list.use
Disables the whitelisting
Usage: whitelist off
Enables the whitelisting
Usage: whitelist on
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.whitelist.on.use
Removes a player from the whitelist.
Usage: whitelist rm <player>
Alias: remove
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.whitelist.remove.use
Wipes the whitelist completely
Usage: whitelist wipe
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.whitelist.wipe.use
Displays informations from a player!
Usage: whois <player>
Permission: cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.whois.use
Permission | Description |
cubeengine.vanillaplus |
Base Permission for VanillaPlus |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.changepainting |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.butcher.all |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.butcher.alltypes |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.butcher.flag |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.butcher.flag.ambient |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.butcher.flag.animal |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.butcher.flag.boss |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.butcher.flag.golem |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.butcher.flag.hostile |
| |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.butcher.flag.npc |
| |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.butcher.lightning |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.clearinventory.force |
Clears an inventory even if the player has the prevent PermissionDescription |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.clearinventory.notify |
Allows clearing the inventory of other players |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.clearinventory.other |
Notifies you if your inventory got cleared by someone else |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.clearinventory.prevent |
Prevents your inventory from being cleared unless forced |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.feed.other |
Allows feeding other players | |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.gamemode.other |
Allows to change the game-mode of other players too |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.god.other |
Allows to enable god-mode for other players |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.heal.other |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.invsee.ender |
Allows to look at someones enderchest |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.invsee.modify.allow |
Allows to modify the inventory of other players |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.invsee.modify.force |
Allows modifying an inventory even if the player has the prevent permission |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.invsee.modify.prevent |
Prevents an inventory from being modified unless forced |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.invsee.notify |
Notifies you when someone is looking into your inventory |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.invsee.quiet |
Prevents the other player from being notified when looking into his inventory |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.kill.all |
Allows killing all players currently online |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.kill.force |
Kills a player even if the player has the prevent PermissionDescription |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.kill.lightning |
Allows killing a player with a lightning strike |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.kill.notify |
Shows who killed you |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.kill.prevent |
Prevents from being killed by the kill command unless forced |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.kill.quiet |
Prevents the other player being notified who killed him |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.starve.other |
Allows starving other players |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.version.plugins |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.command.walkspeed.other |
Allows to change the walkspeed of other players |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.effect.unlimited-food |
Grants unlimited food |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.sign.colored |
cubeengine.vanillaplus.sign.styled |