Documentation for the CubeEngine Modules
Basic Teleportation
Command | Description | Permissioncubeengine.teleport.command.<perm> |
ascend | Teleports you to the next safe spot upwards. | ascend.use |
back | Teleports you to your last location | back.use |
descend | Teleports you to the next safe spot downwards. | descend.use |
jumpto | Jumps to the position you are looking at. | jumpTo.use |
place | Places a player to the position you are looking at. | place.use |
setspawn | Changes the global respawnpoint | setSpawn.use |
spawn | Teleports a player to spawn | spawn.use |
spawnall | Teleports all players to spawn | spawnAll.use |
swap | Swaps you and another players position | swap.use |
through | Jumps to the position you are looking at. | through.use |
top | Teleports to the highest point at your position. | top.use |
tp | Teleport directly to a player. | tp.use |
tpa | Requests to teleport to a player. | tpa.use |
tpaccept | Accepts any pending teleport request. | tpaccept.use |
tpahere | Requests to teleport a player to you. | tpahere.use |
tpall | Teleports everyone directly to a player. | tpall.use |
tpdeny | Denies any pending teleport request. | tpdeny.use |
tphere | Teleport a player directly to you. | tphere.use |
tphereall | Teleport every player directly to you. | tphereall.use |
tppos | Direct teleport to a coordinate. | tppos.use |
tpworld | Teleports you to the spawn of given world | tpworld.use |
up | Teleports you X amount of blocks into the air and puts a glass block beneath you. | up.use |
Teleports you to the next safe spot upwards.
Usage: ascend
Permission: cubeengine.teleport.command.ascend.use
Teleports you to your last location
Usage: back[?]
Permission: cubeengine.teleport.command.back.use
Teleports you to the next safe spot downwards.
Usage: descend
Permission: cubeengine.teleport.command.descend.use
Jumps to the position you are looking at.
Usage: jumpto
Alias: j
Permission: cubeengine.teleport.command.jumpTo.use
Places a player to the position you are looking at.
Usage: place <player>
Alias: put
Changes the global respawnpoint
Usage: setspawn [world] [x] [y] [z]
Permission: cubeengine.teleport.command.setSpawn.use
Teleports a player to spawn
Usage: spawn [player] [world][?]
Permission: cubeengine.teleport.command.spawn.use
Teleports all players to spawn
Usage: spawnall <world>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.teleport.command.spawnAll.use
Swaps you and another players position
Usage: swap <player> player
Permission: cubeengine.teleport.command.swap.use
Jumps to the position you are looking at.
Usage: through
Alias: thru
Permission: cubeengine.teleport.command.through.use
Teleports to the highest point at your position.
Usage: top
Teleport directly to a player.
Usage: tp [targets]<?>[?]
Requests to teleport to a player.
Usage: tpa <player>
Permission: cubeengine.teleport.command.tpa.use
Accepts any pending teleport request.
Usage: tpaccept
Alias: tpac
Permission: cubeengine.teleport.command.tpaccept.use
Requests to teleport a player to you.
Usage: tpahere <player>
Permission: cubeengine.teleport.command.tpahere.use
Teleports everyone directly to a player.
Usage: tpall <player>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.teleport.command.tpall.use
Denies any pending teleport request.
Usage: tpdeny
Permission: cubeengine.teleport.command.tpdeny.use
Teleport a player directly to you.
Usage: tphere <player>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.teleport.command.tphere.use
Teleport every player directly to you.
Usage: tphereall[?]
Permission: cubeengine.teleport.command.tphereall.use
Direct teleport to a coordinate.
Usage: tppos <x> [y] <z>[?][?]
Permission: cubeengine.teleport.command.tppos.use
Teleports you to the spawn of given world
Usage: tpworld <world>
Permission: cubeengine.teleport.command.tpworld.use
Teleports you X amount of blocks into the air and puts a glass block beneath you.
Usage: up <height>
Permission: cubeengine.teleport.command.up.use
Permission | Description |
cubeengine.teleport |
Base Permission for Teleport |
cubeengine.teleport.command.back.ondeath |
Allows using the back command after dieing (if this is not set you won’t be able to tp back to your deathpoint) |
cubeengine.teleport.command.spawn.force |
Allows teleporting a player to spawn even if the player has the prevent permission |
cubeengine.teleport.command.spawn.prevent |
Prevents from being teleported to spawn by someone else | |
Ignores all prevent permissions when using the /tp command | |
Allows choosing teleport targets (selector) |
cubeengine.teleport.command.tpall.force |
Ignores all prevent permissions when using the /tpall command |
cubeengine.teleport.command.tphere.force |
Ignores all prevent permissions when using the /tphere command |
cubeengine.teleport.command.tphereall.force |
Ignores all prevent permissions when using the /tphereall command |
cubeengine.teleport.command.tppos.unsafe |
cubeengine.teleport.compass.jumpto.left |
cubeengine.teleport.compass.jumpto.right |
| |
Prevents from being teleported by someone else |
cubeengine.teleport.teleport.prevent.tpto |
Prevents from teleporting to you |