CubeEngine Documentation

Documentation for the CubeEngine Modules

CubeEngine - Protector

Protects your worlds



Command Description Permission
protect Manages the regions  
protect clear Clears a zones protection settings protect.clear.use
protect control Manages the region settings  
protect control blockdamage Manages the region block-damage settings  
protect control blockdamage block Controls blocks breaking blocks protect.control.blockdamage.block.use
protect control blockdamage explosion Controls explosions breaking blocks protect.control.blockdamage.explosion.use
protect control blockdamage fire Controls fire breaking blocks
protect control blockdamage lightningfire Controls lightning fire protect.control.blockdamage.lightningFire.use
protect control blockdamage monster Controls entities breaking blocks
protect control blockdamage playerexplosion Controls explosions caused by players breaking blocks protect.control.blockdamage.playerExplosion.use
protect control build Controls player building
protect control command Controls executing commands protect.control.command.use
protect control deadcircuit Controls redstone circuits commands protect.control.deadCircuit.use
protect control entitydamage Manages the region entity-damage settings  
protect control entitydamage all Controls entity damage protect.control.entityDamage.all.use
protect control entitydamage entity Controls damage by entities protect.control.entityDamage.entity.use
protect control entitydamage living Controls damage by living entities
protect control move Controls movement protect.control.move.use
protect control playerdamage Manages the region player-damage settings  
protect control playerdamage all Controls player damage protect.control.playerDamage.all.use
protect control playerdamage byliving Controls player damage by living entities protect.control.playerDamage.byliving.use
protect control playerdamage pvp Controls pvp damage protect.control.playerDamage.pvp.use
protect control playerdamage targeting Controls mobs targeting players protect.control.playerDamage.targeting.use
protect control spawn Controls spawning of entities protect.control.spawn.use
protect control teleport Controls teleport movement protect.control.teleport.use
protect control useall Controls players interacting with blocks protect.control.useAll.use
protect control useblock Controls player interacting with blocks protect.control.useBlock.use
protect control useitem Controls player interacting with items protect.control.useItem.use
protect info Displays Region info
protect list Lists protected zones protect.list.use
protect priority Changes protection zone priority protect.priority.use


Manages the regions
Usage: protect
SubCommands: clear control info list priority

protect clear

Clears a zones protection settings
Usage: protect clear <region>
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.clear.use

protect control

Manages the region settings
Usage: protect control
SubCommands: blockdamage build command deadcircuit entitydamage move playerdamage spawn teleport useall useblock useitem

protect control blockdamage

Manages the region block-damage settings
Usage: protect control blockdamage
SubCommands: block explosion fire lightningfire monster playerexplosion

protect control blockdamage block

Controls blocks breaking blocks
Usage: protect control blockdamage block <by> <set>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.control.blockdamage.block.use

protect control blockdamage explosion

Controls explosions breaking blocks
Usage: protect control blockdamage explosion <set>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.control.blockdamage.explosion.use

protect control blockdamage fire

Controls fire breaking blocks
Usage: protect control blockdamage fire <set>[?]

protect control blockdamage lightningfire

Controls lightning fire
Usage: protect control blockdamage lightningfire <set>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.control.blockdamage.lightningFire.use

protect control blockdamage monster

Controls entities breaking blocks
Usage: protect control blockdamage monster <set>[?]

protect control blockdamage playerexplosion

Controls explosions caused by players breaking blocks
Usage: protect control blockdamage playerexplosion <set>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.control.blockdamage.playerExplosion.use

protect control build

Controls player building
Usage: protect control build <set>[?]

protect control command

Controls executing commands
Usage: protect control command <command> <set>[?][?]
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.control.command.use

protect control deadcircuit

Controls redstone circuits commands
Usage: protect control deadcircuit <set>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.control.deadCircuit.use

protect control entitydamage

Manages the region entity-damage settings
Usage: protect control entitydamage
SubCommands: all entity living

protect control entitydamage all

Controls entity damage
Usage: protect control entitydamage all <set>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.control.entityDamage.all.use

protect control entitydamage entity

Controls damage by entities
Usage: protect control entitydamage entity <type> <set>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.control.entityDamage.entity.use

protect control entitydamage living

Controls damage by living entities
Usage: protect control entitydamage living <set>[?]

protect control move

Controls movement
Usage: protect control move <type> <set>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.control.move.use

protect control playerdamage

Manages the region player-damage settings
Usage: protect control playerdamage
SubCommands: all byliving pvp targeting

protect control playerdamage all

Controls player damage
Usage: protect control playerdamage all <set>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.control.playerDamage.all.use

protect control playerdamage byliving

Controls player damage by living entities
Usage: protect control playerdamage byliving <set>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.control.playerDamage.byliving.use

protect control playerdamage pvp

Controls pvp damage
Usage: protect control playerdamage pvp <set>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.control.playerDamage.pvp.use

protect control playerdamage targeting

Controls mobs targeting players
Usage: protect control playerdamage targeting <set>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.control.playerDamage.targeting.use

protect control spawn

Controls spawning of entities
Usage: protect control spawn <type> <what> <set>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.control.spawn.use

protect control teleport

Controls teleport movement
Usage: protect control teleport <set>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.control.teleport.use

protect control useall

Controls players interacting with blocks
Usage: protect control useall <type> <set>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.control.useAll.use

protect control useblock

Controls player interacting with blocks
Usage: protect control useblock <type> <set>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.control.useBlock.use

protect control useitem

Controls player interacting with items
Usage: protect control useitem <type> <set>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.control.useItem.use

protect info

Displays Region info
Usage: protect info [region][?]

protect list

Lists protected zones
Usage: protect list [match][?]
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.list.use

protect priority

Changes protection zone priority
Usage: protect priority [priority] [region]
Permission: cubeengine.protector.command.protect.priority.use


Permission Description
cubeengine.protector Base Permission for Protector
cubeengine.protector.bypass.blockdamage.explode.player Region bypass for players causing blockdamage with explosions Region bypass for building
cubeengine.protector.bypass.command Region bypass for using all commands
cubeengine.protector.bypass.move.enter Region bypass for entering a region
cubeengine.protector.bypass.move.exit Region bypass for exiting a region
cubeengine.protector.bypass.move.move Region bypass for moving in a region
cubeengine.protector.bypass.move.teleport Region bypass for teleport in a region
cubeengine.protector.bypass.move.teleport-portal Region bypass for teleport using portals in a region
cubeengine.protector.bypass.spawn.player Region bypass for players spawning entities
cubeengine.protector.bypass.use Region bypass for using anything
cubeengine.protector.bypass.use-all.block Region bypass for using blocks
cubeengine.protector.bypass.use-all.container Region bypass for using containers
cubeengine.protector.bypass.use-all.entity Region bypass for using entities
cubeengine.protector.bypass.use-all.item Region bypass for using items Region bypass for opening anything Region bypass for using redstone
cubeengine.protector.bypass.use-item Region bypass for using items