CubeEngine Documentation

Documentation for the CubeEngine Modules

CubeEngine - Powertools

Empower your tools!



Command Description Permission
powertool Binding shortcuts to an item.  
powertool add Adds a command to your powertool powertool.add.use
powertool clear Removes all commands from your powertool powertool.clear.use
powertool del Removes a command from your powertool powertool.remove.use
powertool list Lists your powertool-bindings. powertool.list.use


Binding shortcuts to an item.
Usage: powertool
Alias: pt
SubCommands: add clear del list

powertool add

Adds a command to your powertool
Usage: powertool add <commandString>[?]
Permission: cubeengine.powertools.command.powertool.add.use

powertool clear

Removes all commands from your powertool
Usage: powertool clear[?]
Permission: cubeengine.powertools.command.powertool.clear.use

powertool del

Removes a command from your powertool
Usage: powertool del [command]
Alias: rm delete remove
Permission: cubeengine.powertools.command.powertool.remove.use

powertool list

Lists your powertool-bindings.
Usage: powertool list[?]
Permission: cubeengine.powertools.command.powertool.list.use


Permission Description
cubeengine.powertools Base Permission for Powertools
cubeengine.powertools.use Allows the usage of Powertools